The wonder, the majesty.

Monday, March 03, 2008
7:04 PM

The Enemy of Our Minds
02 March 2008

2 Corinthians 10:3-6 is an oft quoted Scripture with regard to spiritual warfare. It’s often cited to remind us that our battle is not against flesh and blood but rather in the realms of the spirit. Yet I’ve seldom, if ever, heard anyone explain the verses beyond that. This passage on spiritual warfare is very telling and reveals much to us concerning the battle that we’re engaged in. The Apostle Paul also tells us in Ephesians that we’re not unaware of the wiles or schemings of the enemy, but truth be said, most of us are truly ignorant of how the enemy operates.

I want to suggest that the primary weapon and scheme that the enemy employs is one involving our thought lives and our words. In the passage cited above, we’re told four things that the enemy hurls at us – strongholds, arguments, every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, and thoughts. Strongholds are wrong thinking patterns that are inconsistent with God’s truth, while arguments are statements that runs contrary to God’s will. At the same time, the enemy is set against people coming to the knowledge of God and he seeks to cause us to think thoughts of disobedience. The amazing thing is this – that all these weapons of the enemy has its battleground in our minds and comes through words and statements that causes us to run afoul of God’s plans and purposes. This is how the enemy works!

One of the keys to overcoming the enemy is found in Philippians 4:8. Eight checks are given to us for our thought pattern. Anything that does not qualify within these eight items is not permitted to find residence in our thought lives. As we approach the days of shaking, the intensity of spiritual battle is going to increase. All the more then, do we need to be aware of enemy’s schemes to derail our lives. For to be forewarned is to be forearmed. May our thoughts be truly stayed on the Lord and let us give no room to the enemy in our lives.

Pastor Lim Lip Yong

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